quinta-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2011

Max Green's Day


Well, inspiration went, inspiration came, we finally got some ideas (and for ideas i meant words) that may be worthy to talk about our idol.

We saw this guy as a boy, a boy who wanted to have his band and play on it, and he did. All started when he was very young. And we saw it.
But bad things happened and our boy was very bad about it, and we know it because he showed pass through this, maybe not in the better way.

And now that boy has become a man, a man that today we are very, very, very proud of. Of course he was always filling our hearts with laughs and interviews that we just don't get enough of seeing, it's just that we can see that he is so much better, and we are so happy for it.

And Max, as any person you passed for many things, goods and bads, but the important is that you're still this awesome, incredible guy that we respect, love and admire.

We couldn't be more happy or proud of you, you probably know that, but we just want to tell you, you're not alone, no matter what they said to you, you're not alone.
And we know that now you're happy, we want to see you happy and free of any lie.

Because we know that you deserve it.

And we hope that you continue...

...as our polite idol...

...our lovely idol... (Andy knows)
...our talented idol...
...our hungry idol...
...our hilarious idol... (that sleeps like an angel)
 We really wanted to do something better, something bigger, I don't know... you care about your fans we can see it, every time that you were on the stage saying "thank you", and we never had the chance of know you or go to a show but this means a lot, every word means a lot to us, and see you fine is a great, great gift.

This was a message from two of your brazilian fans.

We really love you Max, and we just want you to know that.

We Love You Man!

quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011

Evanescence at Nobel Peace Prize

Check out the Evanescence's performance in 11 december 2011 with an orchestra at Nobel Peace Prize, they were invited to play there and they played two songs: first was the ballad Lost In Paradise and the second was the famous Bring Me To Life. And they didn't let us down. 

As I always say, give them my Queen!

Evanescence no Prêmio Nobel da Paz

Confira a performance do Evanescence no dia 11 de dezembro de 2011 com uma orquestra no Prêmio Nobel da Paz, eles foram convidados para tocar lá, tocaram duas músicas: a primeira foi a balada Lost In Paradise e a segunda foi a famosa Bring Me To Life. E eles não decepcioaram.

Como eu sempre digo, dá-lhes Rainha!

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

Happy Birthday my Queen!

Today (13 of december) it's a very special day.
Isn't she adorable?

I'd like to talk about a very special woman: Amy Lee

Well Amy, it's your birthday but to be true, you are who is giving presents, and you're given them for more then ten years.

Thanks Amy, for have taught me to deal with my problems;

Thanks Amy for have shown me how to be mature;

Thanks Amy, for have taught what Good Music means;  

Thanks Amy, for being so lovely and adorable with your fans;

Thanks Amy, for being a example for me since my nine years old;

Thanks Amy, for being one more year with us.

These words are not enough to really express my admiration, respect and love for you, but I just want you to know that my feelings are true.

Thanks, my queen, for exist, for teach me so much, for give me hope when I need, and make me happy just for hearing your beautiful voice.

Thanks for everything my queen, I wish for you all happiness of the world, all peace, all love, and continue being this person that you are, always inspiring your fans.

Thank you queen. From my heart, Thank You!