domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011

Dê o fora do meu show!

Sim, nós gostamos de Rock N 'Roll e muitas pessoas gostam da banda Foo Fighters.
Os shows de rock são impressionantes (pelo menos os shows de bandas boase quem vai quer, aproveitar, mas não há espaço para quem quer ficar ... vamos dizer ... brigando.
Em um show do Foo Fighters em Londres, Dave Grohl diz para um cara ... bem, você verá:

E ele tem todo o meu apoio!

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Get out of my show!

Yes we like Rock N' Roll and many people like the band Foo Fighters.
The Rock shows are awesome (at least the shows of good bands) and who goes wants to enjoy that, but there's no space to those who wants to stay... let's say... fighting.
In a Foo Fighters show in London, Dave Grohl says to a guy... well you'll see:

And he has all my support!

quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011

Evanescence New Song!!

New song "What You Want" of Evanescene are with different mixtures fulfilling what Amy Lee said he would do, check here the song:

FIR - First Show

Falling In Reverse performs your first show Carson CA:

I think Ronnie couldn't wait more to back to do shows again!!

Blessthefall New Songs Of The Album "Awakening"

Blesthefall - Bottomfeeder

Blesthefall - Promised Ones

Awakening will be released in October 4, 2011