1. "Craig supposedly said in the first tour (that Max wasn't present) that he left the band" (when indeed he was at rehab!) and this let Max really upset.
2. The fans have never said that Max was still was using drugs until Craig say that he was!! Because of this Max was being targeted by many people in this last days, saying that he wasn't 100% sober, that he was using drugs..."
If you pay attention on his last tweets:
We think that he made very well going out of the band, if the rumors are true, he really wasn't confortable, and the right this was left them behind!! If he thought that it was the better thing to do then he has our support, but we really want that he continue on the music industry, he's very talented. Be good Max <3
There were rumors that Monte would also left the ETF, Craig said that it's no true. But honesty it's not impossible.